2007-04-15 to 2008-10-15
As part of the INDEPTH IV controlled-source experiment in June 2007, 20 broadband and 29 short-period three- component seismographs at 5-6 km station spacing recorded 5 large shots (1000-2000 kg) and 100 small shots (80 kg) along a 270 km long profile across the Kunlun mountains in northeast Tibet. The aims of the project are to determine the crust and upper mantle structure beneath northeast Tibet, detect the sharpness of any steps in major crustal boundaries (e.g. Moho) and detect how deep major faults penetrate in order to examine the viability of the crustal flow hypothesis. The data from the Texan instruments are archived at the IRIS-DMC
Related People
Person | Institute |
James Mechie (PI) | GFZ Potsdam |
Used Equipment
Device | Amount |
EDL | 35 |
Mark L4C | 32 |
More Information
[35.59° N,
94.23° E]
Related Data
There is data available from this project, but this data has no DOI yet. If you are interested, please contact us.